- As a student of business in and out of the classroom, it is my goal to use entrepreneurship as a foundation to strengthen my peers, my community, and my environment. I am currently leading business development initiatives for several companies including AVI-SPL (the world’s largest Audio-Visual innovations company), for which I am currently developing and implementing an internship program. Alongside this, I design and write business education guide books that teach entrepreneurship and marketing to high school students, which have been published and sold to 250,000+ DECA members around the world. I am extremely passionate about business education, and intrigued by the growing popularity of teaching the more intangible concepts surrounding leadership and entrepreneurship. The perspectives of being both a teacher and a student, I believe, make me an asset when designing educational materials for students. Like many successful entrepreneurs, I must design a product that I myself would want to use/purchase. Because I envision a future and a career as an educator or within the industry of education, I believe this business can play a fundamental role in my life and career.
- I am developing an alternative to the traditional, boring textbook. Educational tools and materials that will break down concepts into infographic-styled lessons accompanied by hands-on, engaging activities. These guides will enable students to connect more with the content and gain more valuable information during their first experience with the new information. It will also supplement as a tool and curriculum for educators to use within the classroom.
- I am offering this product to teachers, professors, and students. I will begin by offering the product to teachers and students at the high school level. Teachers would be the customer -- making the buying decision -- but students would be the consumers. Unlike current educational environments, the goal would be to encourage a symbiotic relationship between teacher and student. If the student enjoys the material they are learning, they will perform better for the teacher.
- Students will care because this educational guide will make the topic more engaging to them and more interesting; as a result, they will learn more and gain more value from their courses. At the very least, in learning more they will perform better in their courses. Teachers will care because it will allow them to do their jobs more effectively. Not only will it satisfy a need for more engaging content, but it will also provide teaching tools and in-class assignments and activities for students to complete.
- My core competencies include my background in business education and business development, my passion for business education, and my ability to present information in a way that makes it easy to learn. Working alongside college professors and high school educators, I have gained insight into the current functionality of educational content and where there can be improvements. I have also developed the skills necessary to be successful in this field.
I believe these elements definitely fit together. My core competencies and background working with educators gives me insight into what my market wants. My experience as a student allows me to better understand the learning needs of students. My passion for education drives me to produce the best possible product in order to be most impactful within the market.
Some of the feedback I received was that I should elaborate on the difference among my target customers. As a result, I explained in this idea napkin that teachers would be the customers, while students would be the consumers. I also received feedback that I should elaborate more on the business experience I've had, so I included that this time.
I agree that you should better explain what differences each of your target customers have. This is because most students are going to have multiple problems that are completely different from the rest and some are going to have the same problems. Having a diverse set of options is a great factor to incorporate into your idea. Your background screams entrepreneur and loyalty.