Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Final Reflection

This course has prompted me to step outside of my comfort zone and think deeply about myself as an entrepreneur. for me, the most formative part of his course was the assignments involving interviews of potential mentors, resources, or customers. Although I am not a shy person, I don't typically reach out to random people for interviews. Through these assignments, I have not only expanded my network, but also become more adept at making connections with people and researching information about businesses/products.

I definitely think that this class has helped me develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Throughout this course, the process of starting a business has been taught with different methodologies and strategies. However the recurring themes of determination, innovation, and perseverance have taught me what it truly means to be an entrepreneur. We develop these skills through experiential learning within this course, and I think I have become a better entrepreneur because of it.

My biggest recommendation to students taking this course in the future is to plan ahead. Think about when assignments are due, especially those requiring interviews because you need to schedule those ahead. Also remember that each assignment has value, and if you skip one assignment it will impede your ability to perform well on other assignments in the future.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Venture Concept #2

Venture Concept #2

Increasingly, educators are recognizing a need for change within the landscape of the education industry, which has not changed in decades. As a result, teachers and students have begun employing alternative learning methods. However, what they really need is a new learning tool, an alternative to the traditional textbook. Additional changes in the market reflect an increasing shift toward visual and experiential learning, which will be a space my guides are designed to fit into. 
My concept is a business to business product that is targeting public school systems. The potential customers include teachers, principals, and school board administrators. The market is being subdivided into a primary target market of younger teachers, ages 24-35, and a secondary market of older teachers, ages 35+. The “younger” teachers fall within or close to the millennial generation. As a result, they have a more clear understanding of today’s educational landscape and the need for concise communication, interesting lessons, and hands-on activities. I am going to focus on the state of Florida for launch, primarily because I am most familiar with these school systems and their standards. I will being with Broward County, which is one of the largest and most effective districts in the nation. 
The primary force creating this opportunity in the market is the increasing emphasis placed on education today in public schools. In addition to an emphasis on education, within this there is increasingly a demand for experiential learning and career-focused learning that will prepare students not only for college, but also for their careers beyond. Especially in today’s political emphasis, the resources allocated to schools and teaching materials being used are heavily scrutinized. America is not near the top for educational initiatives in the world, and improving the educational system remains a struggle. 
School systems are currently satisfying the need for innovative educational solutions through the new products provided to them by their current textbook providers, which include McGraw Hill, Pearson, and Glencoe. However, these providers only update every few years, and although they have been innovating in regard to educational technology, they have not been innovating much in regard to a new way to communicate the topic to students. However, schools are very loyal to their textbook companies because a) they are school board approved, and b) teachers are familiar with the text. An additional source of competition would be from educators who have created their own platforms, tools, and programs outside of the traditional school system. This is known as the “unschooling” method. However, this is a much more niche market and often does not generate the following that a product would generate if it were to succeed within the market of traditional, large-scale schooling systems. As a result, it will not impede the growth and sales of my guides significantly. 
This is a huge window of opportunity because the opportunity exists for the thousands of schools across Florida and America that all need enhanced educational material. However, the opportunity will not last long. Companies are aware of the need to develop new educational initiatives and tools. For example, McGraw Hill has recently come out with “SmartBook,” an interactive textbook that highlights the important material and includes application through chapter testing. Because these companies are trying to innovate, I project the window of opportunity will be open for a maximum of five years. 

The product I’m proposing is a “Curriculum Guide,” series of workbooks and curriculum that outline material in a comprehensive and interactive manner. Each workbook is broken up by topic; each topic or lesson is two pages- one infographic page and one activity page. By creating an infographic design, the curriculum will allow kids to better understand the content and focus on the big picture of the lesson. In addition to the workbook, I would also create a power point to accompany each lesson for the teacher to use. This, coupled with the workbook for students to follow along during class, will create a more understandable curriculum that applies to real-world skills students need. Essentially, the innovative nature is not the information being distributed, but the manner in which it is communicated. For example, accounting will never change. What makes the difference in teaching accounting is how it is explained. By condensing information and presenting it in an infographic style, the workbooks themselves will be differentiated from “boring” typical textbooks. I am going to sell each individual book for $75, which is affordable compared to a typical $150 textbook. In addition I will be selling class sets at a discounted rate of $1,500/class set. Each class set is 25 books, which will equate to a rate of $60/book. 
In addition to the innovative aspect of the original guide itself, I would aim especially in the future to innovate with technology. Educational technology is becoming increasing relevant and demanding, and textbooks are shifting from paper to online models with interactive activities. As a next step for these guides, I aim to not just meet these expectations but exceed them though valuable content on electronic platforms. 

Venture Concept
Schools will to switch to the curriculum guide for three reasons:
  1. Learning enhancement: Through the infographic style and emphasis on real-world application within the curriculum guides, schools will be providing a more comprehensive learning experience to students.
  2. Teacher resources: by simplifying and explaining concepts in curriculum, the curriculum guides will make teachers’ jobs easier. In addition, teacher powerpoints that correlate to each lesson will be provided with class sets, as an aid to teachers’ in-class lectures. To take it one step further, we will also include testing materials and hands-on activities that will make more uniform assessment in the subject, and provide the activities and exams that teachers have no time to make themselves. 
  3. Assessment + test scores: school boards are evaluated based on the results of their testing scores from students. Which prompts the question, what will raise these scores? Not additional quizzes in a textbook, but an excitement for learning within students. Curriculum guides will use interactive and comprehensive lessons that aren’t nearly as monotonous as textbooks, and by emphasizing the important parts of a topic, the information will stick more with students. As a result, there will be a deeper understanding, reflected in overall higher test scores. And with higher test scores, better ratings and more funding for school systems. 
It will not be easy to get schools to switch over in the beginning. Primarily because of their history with other textbook providers. However, I will close the sale with schools by presenting these competitive advantages and by working toward getting these curriculum guides school board approved.
The competitors include big-name textbook distributors such as Pearson, Glencoe, and McGraw Hill. Each of them are very similar. Although they are strong and control a vast majority of market share, there is opportunity for this venture concept to compete. These competitors recognize that there is a demand for innovation. Each of them are using new technologies to appeal to teachers. However, they are not considering the student’s perspective, and addressing the problem of boring, monotonous textbooks. This is their weakness; they can add more tests, but without changing the way they’re communicating their information they will not be effective to students in the classroom for long-term learning. 
Because this will be B2B selling to schools, packaging, location, and customer support will not be as important as price point, distribution, and customer experience. Textbooks can be expensive, but through packaging deals, a lower overall price can allow schools to meet their budgets. Distribution is important because of the logistic of working with schools’ receiving and financially, producing Purchase Orders working with their bookkeepers. Most importantly, the consumer experience of the value added in the classroom is what will spur motivation to purchase the books. 
I would organize a business to support the ongoing production of this product through outsourcing and through human capital. I would outsource the printing of the workbooks and development of online media. I would add writers that are industry professionals in different subjects to contribute to the content of the curriculum guides, so I’m providing the most up-to-date, relevant information. As the business grows, I would of course need to add employees that could manage production, distribution, and financial management. 

The feedback I received from previous assignments was very helpful. Some of it was definitely a morale boost because people understood that I have a strong background from which I can draw my knowledge of and passion for the company and products. What was very interesting was that one of my peers actually informed me about the “unschooled” education concept that has been emerging as an opportunity for students to gain a more impactful learning experience outside of the traditional school environment. 

In my updated Venture Concept, I included the unschooled methodology as one of my competitors. In addition, I added more information about my innovation within and next steps regarding educational technology, and using technology to further meet customers’ needs and further distinguish my product within the market. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Reading Reflection: Elon Musk

1) As I was reading about Elon Musk, it was amazing to learn about his outlook on life. I was surprised about how much his home life and his childhood affected not only his intelligence but also his interests and ability to pursue success. I most admired Elon Musk's ability to ALWAYS come up with an idea or solution, and to always challenge societal norms. He constantly questions the world, and has ideas no one else can think up. In addition, he refuses to believe that anything is impossible. What I least admired about Elon Musk was that he's not always the best teacher, and can be tough on employees. However, I think perhaps he does this for their ultimate benefit and the benefit of the company. Elon Musk has definitely faced adversity, because so many of his ideas are so forward-thinking that people always doubt him. However he has overcome this adversity by proving through his own results that he is capable and that his ideas will work, so he has built a reputation.

2) The biggest competency I noticed about Elon Musk was his ability to put himself in others' shoes and really understand other peoples' perspectives. Even though he wasn't from a third world country, he has created products that add value to third world countries and other markets outside of his comfort zone, and he is able to do this because of perspective.

3) One part of the reading that was confusing to me was how Elon Musk was able to specialize in so many different industries and topics. He is obviously very skilled at business, and has a wide understanding of technology. However, his products range from rockets to space companies to cars and more, and not all of these are correlated. It is rare for one person to have expertise in all of these areas.

4) Two questions I would ask Elon Musk are "What books do you read?" because I think the books a person reads allow you to gain insight into what resonates with them and how their mind works, and "What do you do when you don't have a solution?" because he has been in this situation before and I would like to learn from his experience.

5) I think Elon Musk really values hard work; he has worked hard in everything he has ever done his whole life. This is really exemplified because he could have stopped with his first product, first company, or when he first started earning money. But he chose to keep going and keep working harder because those are his values. I definitely share this sentiment, because I believe that if you really enjoy what you're doing, it won't seem as much like hard work.
1) My exit strategy for this firm is to put myself out of business (or discontinue this product line) by developing newer and better products that will make my original product obsolete. What I mean by this is, the education industry is constantly changing and is currently moving toward a need for more technological integration. I would create a new product that is complete technology and make this current product obsolete.

2) I have selected this exit strategy because it would allow be to retire my product and still have revenues and income flowing in. In addition, I would have the ability to continue doing what I love and building a company that positively impacts the education sector.

3) I do think that my exit strategy has affected my perspective because I am very goal oriented, and am working toward that goal, so I am continuing to look for opportunities in the market. However, I will continue to work toward making my company as successful as possible, not just build it up and sell it off.

Celebrating Failure

1) This semester I am enrolled in Business Finance, and... it's definitely not what I would consider a personal "success." I went in knowing that the exam was extremely difficult, and worked very hard studying. However, I still did poorly on the first exam. I studied even harder for the second exam, and was rewarded with a better grade. However, the final exam did not go as well as I would have hoped. Although I do not yet know the grade, I know that it will not be up to my usual standard of excellence.

2) I have definitely learned a lot from this experience within Finance. From each exam, I learned better study skills that I have applied and will apply to future exams and work approaches in order to become more successful. I have also learned the value of practice. The more practice I did, the better my exams were, and the more confident I felt. My key takeaway was that if I put in enough effort and practice to my own maximum capacity, there is nothing more I could have done, and I will feel better and more confident throughout the experience.

3) Personally, I think failure is nothing the be afraid of, because it is inevitable. Maybe not in the situation of my finance course. But everybody will experience failure at some point and many times throughout their personal and professional lives. The way you respond to failure is what will determine your success in the future. If you take failure as a learning experience and don't make the same mistake twice, then you will be able to become more successful in the future as a result of your failure. I try to see failure as a learning experience, and I also try to prevent failure from happening in the first place. Through this course, my perspective on failure has definitely changed, and I have better learned to accept failure as a learning opportunity.

Friday, November 17, 2017

What's Next?

Existing Market

1: What I think is next for my venture is technology integration. Right now, I am planning to create print and digital versions of my workbooks. However, the next step would be creating interactive activities online that provide more value through interactive learning. 

2: 3 target customers

  • Sam: Marketing student, Sophomore
    • Sam believes that providing more content through online and virtual platforms would be a very beneficial next step. He also suggested making additional content that would allow students to better prepare for specific exams. 
  • Rachel: Business Teacher, 15 Years Experience
    • Rachel agrees that more technological integration would be cool, however, she suggests that the most important next step is more teacher resources. Perhaps supplemental lesson plans and powerpoints to accompany the workbooks.
  • Denise: Marketing Professor
    • Denise believes that the next step is conducting research and providing more in-depth information, rather than just one-page infographics. She thinks it may be useful to collaborate with a textbook company.

3: In the future I intend to follow my plan of developing additional tools using technology to integrate more learning into the classroom. However, this will take time to develop. Therefore I will begin first be creating my own additional content correlating to the workbooks for teachers to use simultaneously in class and for students to use out of class. 

New Market

1: I’m currently targeting specific individuals: students and teachers. These are the people who will be directly using my products. A radically different market would be the Florida School Board, in order to gain school board approval and get my products in schools throughout Florida. 

2: I think that this product would create value for school board members because it would create value for their teachers/programs, and subsequently, their schools. With better learning material, competitive business students will perform better, and become more passionate about their programs. This will reflect very well on the school, and improve the community. 

3: 3 interviews

  • Charles Scott Neely: Cypress Bay High School Principal
    • Neely thinks that it the educational tools used in the classroom are a reflection of the tools demanded by teachers. However he does think it would be difficult for a workbook to replace a textbook. So, these workbooks should only be used as supplemental, extra tools for students and teachers.
  • Angel Gomez: Piper High School Principal, Broward County School Board Representative
    • Angel’s biggest suggestion was to work on collaborating with the state to incorporate common core standards. If this happens, the workbooks could get school board approved, and then I could have a more widespread distribution to many schools. He does admit this is a slow process, but at the end there will be a large payoff. 

4: I think many of my assumptions were correct: I would need to get the material school board approved in order to be most impactful. I do not think that in the short-term this will be the most profitable avenue for my venture. However with time, this could be extremely beneficial in the long-term. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Reading Reflection #2

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck

The general theme or argument of this book was that the most successful people or entrepreneurs are those who have a positive attitude, and first convince themselves that they are capable of achieving more. Because they have more optimism in order to maintain a positive mindset, it is these people who have more motivation, work harder, and are less likely to give up. As a result, they are less likely to accept failure and demand quality and success within their work and their lives.

In my opinion, the book connected with and enhanced what we are learning currently in ENT3003 because within discussing techniques and strategies to become successful within business, we have focused on the importance of perseverance, determination, and optimism. Within each of these concepts lies the mindset that Dweck describes in her book and, further, the different characteristics that are common in successful entrepreneurs.

I love creating business education curriculum, and am currently teaching an entrepreneurship course focused on success and failure in entrepreneurship, which is why I am so interested in this book particularly. In order to teach an activity based on this book, I would have students identify someone successful and someone "not" successful either in business or in life, and compare the different attributes and mindsets of each of these people.

My biggest surprise reading the book was the proof. Throughout the book, Dweck includes specific examples of companies and entrepreneurs who say that the biggest contribution to their success was their own belief that they would succeed. In addition, there were psychological tests/research that had been conducted which supported the concept that those with a more positive or optimistic outlook tended to achieve more than those with a more pessimistic outlook. It surprised me the extent to which your mindset really can affect your success in life and in business. However, I guess it is not quite as surprising considering that so many successful entrepreneurs were originally dreamers who had ideas no one believed in, but maintained a positive and optimistic outlook.